Cambly Library is a place where you can find teaching resources and materials that can be used in lessons with your students. You can access your Cambly Library materials before a lesson by browsing the Library tab. During a lesson, you can add or change materials using the control panel on the right hand side of the screen.
Accessing the library during a lesson
We are so excited that you are interested in using the materials in Cambly Library with your students! To access these materials during a lesson, follow the steps below:
1. Select the “Library” tab on the right hand control panel
2. Under the header, “Change Material”, use the dropdown menus to select a category and activity to open in the classroom
3. After making your selection, click “Open Material” to share the activity with the student
Once the materials are opened, you will see the instructions open as an image on the left side of your screen, moving the videos to the middle of the screen. Your student will see the same view!
While working through the slide, you can also draw on the slide to navigate your student. Currently, there is no erasing option. We are working on that functionality! Some activities may have more than one slide for instructions. If there is more than one slide, you will see controls to navigate between slides above the content view.
Changing or hiding materials during a lesson
When you’re done with the activity, you may select another activity using the same controls in the Library tab. If you’d like to return to the 1-on-1 video chat view, click the “Hide Material” button below the controls.