What many tutors think is an issue, is in fact, normal.
It’s normal that a few students-- especially the brand new trial students you typically encounter on Priority Hours-- can’t successfully connect to calls. While we are trying to drastically cut down on these types of failing calls, it is still normal to receive a few back-to-back, especially after a big publicity drive and/or in times of high new student demand.
Also, new students are sometimes very surprised when a real person actually answers! Their first reaction can be to quickly hang up, so please don't be offended! Usually, they build up confidence and call back again later. We’re trying to cut down on this behavior, but these calls can still appear as "disconnections" on the tutor's side.
If one of your students has a connection issue the best thing to do is to direct them to Student Support ("contact us" on the students' side). They're excellent and can resolve all sorts of matters nearly always in the students' native languages.
Although rare, trouble connecting to calls can also happen due to an issue on our end. It’s wise to check https://status.cambly.com/ if you think this may be the case. You can even subscribe to updates so you'll always be informed!
Ultimately, if you can pass the Connection Test first time every time, but have trouble connecting to some calls, there probably isn’t an issue on your end. If you find yourself struggling to connect to most calls and/or you have a problem passing the Connection Test, please click here for tips and tricks to improve your connection.
We hope that helps!