In this article:
- Scheduling a repeat lesson with a regular
- Student-proposed repeat lessons
- Canceling or rescheduling a repeat lesson
Scheduling a repeat lesson with a regular
Click the calendar on the date and time you'd like to schedule your first lesson. Select your student and check the Repeats weekly box.
Repeat lessons must start at least a day in advance. If the lesson you are proposing to your student is within 24 hours, the Repeats weekly box will not be available to select. |
By default, the end date will populate to six months out. If your student’s subscription plan ends prior to that date, it will default to the last date before the student’s end subscription date. You can edit this end date to be any date you’d like, up to a year out, or up to your student’s subscription end date, whichever comes first.
Once you click send invite, you will receive a confirmation pop up before the official send. If everything looks good, select Send invite now.
You will then see the first lesson as a proposed lesson on your reservations calendar until your student accepts or declines the repeating lesson proposal. While the lesson is pending, only the first lesson will be on your calendar. You will not see additional repeating lessons.
Once your student confirms or declines, you will receive an email. The email will include any dates that could not be confirmed due to student conflicts. You will also see all confirmed reservations on your calendar.
From here, each individual lesson is treated like any other confirmed reservation. For example, tutors are still eligible for late cancellation payments, late student pay, disconnection pay, etc.
Important note: If you propose repeating lessons from one timezone, and move to a different timezone, you will need to clear those repeating lessons and re-propose them from your new timezone. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Are repeat lessons available in Cambly Kids?
Yes! All tutors have access to scheduling repeat lessons. Please remember: your student must be marked as a regular to propose a repeat lesson to them.
How do Repeat Lessons handle Daylight Savings Time changes?
The time of the repeating lesson stays the same on the tutor's schedule. For example, if you have a repeating lesson at 9am and then your clocks go back or forward an hour, the lesson remains at 9am on your schedule. Depending on the student's time-zone, the lesson may appear at a different time on their end. Cambly notifies students if their repeat lesson time changes in their local time zone.
What are student conflicts that prevent lessons from being scheduled?
Examples of student conflicts are students already having another lesson at that time or unavailable lesson minutes to fulfill your request for any given week. If there are too many conflicts, the entire proposal will be declined.
Why do I get an error that says "Repeating lessons aren't available for this student right now?"
You're seeing this message because the student either doesn't have an active subscription or doesn't have enough anytime minutes to schedule repeating lessons. You may be able to schedule repeating lessons with them in the future.
What if my student doesn't respond to my proposed repeat lesson invitation?
If a student has not responded to the proposed repeat lesson invitation, it will be automatically cancelled 12 hours prior to the first lesson. Tutors can also cancel proposed repeat lesson invitations at any time.
Can Cambly Kids students propose repeating lessons?"
Yes, Cambly Kids students have the ability to propose repeating lessons.
Student-proposed repeat lessons
Students have the ability to propose repeat lessons. Only students with whom you've had a prior lesson will be able to propose a repeating lesson with you. The first proposed lesson in the repeat series must coordinate with your availability, however the rest of the lessons in the repeat series don't have to coordinate with your future availability.
If one of the lessons in the proposed repeat lessons conflicts with a previously booked lesson on your calendar, the student will be notified and that individual lesson won't be scheduled in the repeat series. You can still cancel or reschedule these lessons after accepting the proposal.
To prevent students from waiting, unconfirmed reservations are automatically cancelled a certain number of hours before their start time. These auto-cancellations happen:
- 1 hour before the start time if the reservation is made less than 12 hours in advance
- 4 hours before the start time if the reservation is made 12 - 24 hours in advance
- 12 hours before the start time if the reservation is made more than 24 hours in advance
Here's how it works:
The repeat lesson request will appear in the left column of your Schedule tab. Click “View” to open the pop-up window with more details and to accept or decline the proposal.
To approve a student-proposed repeat lesson, choose “Accept this sequence” and then click the “Approve” button. The lessons will then be added to your calendar automatically (with the exception of slots you previously had booked with another student).
To decline a student-proposed lesson, choose “Decline this sequence”. You will need to provide a reason for declining, then click the “Decline” button.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why am I receiving a Cambly message from a student requesting a repeat lesson?
You may receive a message from a student that looks like this:
We are still rolling out the student-proposed repeat lessons, so some students are only able to send a message expressing they're interested in repeat lessons, rather than actually proposing them to a tutor.
If you receive a message like this, you can then propose the repeating lesson to the student at the time they requested. If this time doesn't fit your availability, you can offer the student another day and time that better suits your schedule.
What if I already have a booking on one of the days during the repeat lesson series?
No problem! You can still accept the repeat lesson proposal and it will auto-populate your schedule with the exception of any previously booked lessons. Your student will also be notified if there are conflicting lessons.
What if I don't want to have repeating lessons with this student?
Only a student you've had a prior lesson with can propose a repeating lesson to you. Rest assured, tutors are not required to accept this proposal. If you do not wish to accept a repeat lesson with the student, please provide the reason in the pop-up window before clicking "Decline".
Can new students send me a request for repeat lessons?
Only students who you have previously met with can send you a repeat lesson proposal. If you have not had a class with the student, they will not have the option to propose a repeat lesson. Additionally, the first lesson in the repeat series must fit your availability, but the rest of the lessons in the repeat series don't.
Can I still cancel a student-proposed repeat lesson?
Yes. Rest assured, you can cancel or reschedule any individual lesson within a repeat lesson series. Please keep in mind that the late-cancellation policy and reschedule window still apply, so we recommend reviewing your schedule after accepting a repeat lesson proposal.
Canceling or rescheduling a repeat lesson
Once a repeat lesson series has been confirmed by the student, it will auto-populate your calendar. From there, each individual lesson is treated like any other confirmed reservation. For example, tutors are still eligible for late cancellation payments, late student pay, disconnection pay, etc.
The no-show and late cancelation policies still apply to repeat lessons. If you need to cancel an individual lesson in the repeat lesson series, we recommend canceling at least 12 hours in advance. To prevent students from waiting, unconfirmed reservations are automatically cancelled a certain number of hours before their start time. These auto-cancelations happen:
- 1 hour before the start time if the reservation is made less than 12 hours in advance
- 4 hours before the start time if the reservation is made 12 - 24 hours in advance
- 12 hours before the start time if the reservation is made more than 24 hours in advance
You can reschedule an individual lesson within a repeating lesson series, or reschedule an entire repeat lesson series. This must be done more than 12 hours in advance, and you will not be able to reschedule repeat lessons beyond the end of a student’s subscription. To reschedule, follow these steps:
1. Click on the confirmed or proposed repeat lesson directly from your calendar
2. Click 'Reschedule'
3. From here, you will have 3 options. Select the one that applies:
- This lesson: use if you only wish to reschedule the individual lesson, not the entire series
- This lesson and all lessons after (date): use if you wish to reschedule the selected lesson as well as all lessons after the selected lesson in the repeat lesson series
- All lessons: use if you wish to reschedule the selected lesson as well as all lessons in the repeat lesson series, both before and after the currently selected lesson.
4. After selecting one of the options above, you will be prompted to select the new day and time you’d like to reschedule the selected lessons for. Please note that the length of the lessons cannot be changed (if the original lesson was 30 minutes, it must stay 30 minutes when rescheduled).
5. Click 'Reschedule'
Please note: Rescheduling your repeat lesson series will cancel the original repeat lessons. The student can either confirm or decline your rescheduling proposal, or they can propose a different time instead. Students also have the ability to reschedule repeat lessons as well. If your student sends you a proposed reschedule request for a repeat lesson series with you, the original series will be canceled. You can confirm or decline this proposal, and also have the ability to propose a different time instead.
A note on late rescheduling repeat lessons You can reschedule an individual lesson within a repeat series even if it is within 12 hours of the lesson time. However, to reschedule the entire repeat lesson series, you must select a lesson that is scheduled for a time outside of the 12-hour window. You cannot reschedule the entire series by clicking on a lesson that occurs within the next 12 hours. To learn more about late rescheduling, visit this help center article. |